
New Rules Project

Rick posted this on Olyblog:

The New Rules Project:

Why New Rules?

Because the old ones don't work any longer. They undermine local economies, subvert democracy, weaken our sense of community, and ignore the costs of our decisions on the next generation.

The Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) proposes a set of new rules that builds community by supporting humanly scaled politics and economics. The rules call for:

  • Decisions made by those who will feel the impact of those decisions.
  • Communities accepting responsibility for the welfare of their members and for the next generation.
  • Households and communities possessing or owning sufficient productive capacity to generate real wealth.

These are the principles of "new localism." They call upon us to begin viewing our communities and our regions not only as places of residence, recreation and retail but as places that nurture active and informed citizens with the skills and productive capacity to generate real wealth and the authority to govern their own lives.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i should have posted to this before, but I am glad I'm doing it now, when I am in a better frame of mind. It is true that our economy is not sustainable. Our cities are not sustainable. Or suburbs are really not sustainable. I do find something very interesting occuring in just the last year or so. And that is something I call the Suburbanization of the Urban. Suburbanites are returning to the urban areas, due to many factors, commutes and gasoline being just part of the equation. But they are not coming to the urban areas to share in what is great about them, they are coming to take what they now consider the prime neighborhoods and suburbanize them. Sure we will have disney land versions of downtown, but they will no longer have the poor and the people of color. In a crazy way what is happening is the suburbanites will reclaim the urban areas for themselves and mold them in their own images. The poor and the people of color will then be forced into the far flung and decrepit suburban areas. He's the real sad thing, with the price of gasoline and lack of public transit, the poor will no longer be able to inflict themselves on the new urban dwellers. The wealthier classes will end up with exactly what they want, the prime real estate without their perceived negatives. The poor and the people of color will suffer, as will the true nature of our urban areas.

9:52 PM  

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